Modern Combat Wiki
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The KPR prototype fighter is an air superiority fighter jet in Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation, developed by the KPR. It was still in its final stages of development when James Walker flew one to escape an aircraft carrier in Dragon King of the Sea.

Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation[]

{{#infoboxbuilder: | 0:Theme = MC3 default | 0:CustomModule = | 0:MainImageCaption = | 0:ToggleContentLongerThan = 1000

| 1:Type = Title

| 1:Value = KPR prototype fighter

| 2:Type = MainImage

| 2:Value = Prototype3

| 3:Type = Line

| 3:Label = Appearances
| 3:Value = 

| 4:Type = Line

| 4:Label = Type
| 4:Value = 

| 5:Type = Line

| 5:Label = Based on
| 5:Value = 

| 6:Type = Line

| 6:Label = Role
| 6:Value = Air combat

| 7:Type = Line

| 7:Label = Weapons
| 7:Value = Unknown

| 8:Type = Line

| 8:Label = Operators
| 8:Value = 

| 9:Type = Line

| 9:Label = Status
| 9:Value = 

}}The KPR prototype fighter appears in the Mission Dragon King of the Sea, It is unknown what the fighter is armed with. A prototype fighter also appears in a hangar in Surgical Strikes at Pangun Airfield.


See also[]
