Modern Combat Wiki

See when I picked up the Compakt-665, I noticed a weird glitch with it when it would fire two bullets through the hit detection but sound like and record on the magazine that I only fired one. This combined with the frame rounding is how you feel like the Compakt-665 kills faster than the Charbtek. 

I have heard of Critical Ops, and I hope they at least let you aim down sights. I am not a CounterStrike fan, I mostly play Star Conflict, Planetside 2, and World of Warships. However, I really like dev teams that get in touch with players. Star Confict does this time to time, Planetside 2 sometimes does it, WoW sometimes also. 

And also, I've been banned from Modern Combat 4. The stupid moderators thought I had suspicious activity through games, which is absolutely ridiculous since I don't even know how to install Jailbreak or Cydia or whatever. The fact that there are actual hackers and I'm getting banned because they were eating donuts, drinking coffee, and trying to figure out "if" statements with their thumbs straight up their asses really upsets me. 
