Modern Combat Wiki

The Verr Power is a Prestige experimental weapon of the Bounty Hunter class in Modern Combat 5: Blackout, added in Update XII.

Modern Combat 5: Blackout[]

SLS‑3   AAR34   AMG 200   Maelstrom   Vosk 4   EER 15   ERG 10   Verr Power   SPEC‑38A    

{{#infoboxbuilder: | 0:Theme = MC5 default | 0:CustomModule = | 0:MainImageCaption = | 0:ToggleContentLongerThan = 1500

| 1:Type = Title

| 1:Value = Verr Power

| 2:Type = MainImage

| 2:Value = MC5-Verr Power

| 3:Type = Line

| 3:Label = Type
| 3:Value = Energy weapon

| 4:Type = Line

| 4:Label = Likely based on
| 4:Value = 

| 5:Type = Line

| 5:Label = Users
| 5:Value = 

| 6:Type = Line

| 6:Label = Manufacturer
| 6:Value = 

| 7:Type = Header

| 7:Value =


| 8:Type = Line

| 8:Label = Damage
| 8:Value = Extremely high

| 9:Type = Line

| 9:Label = Radius
| 9:Value = 

| 10:Type = Line

| 10:Label = Rate of fire
| 10:Value = Above-average

| 11:Type = Line

| 11:Label = Range
| 11:Value = No damage drop-off (beam range is limited to about 80-100m).

| 12:Type = Line

| 12:Label = Accuracy
| 12:Value = Very high

| 13:Type = Line

| 13:Label = Handling
| 13:Value = 

| 14:Type = Line

| 14:Label = Mobility
| 14:Value = Low

| 15:Type = Line

| 15:Label = Magazine size
| 15:Value = 

| 16:Type = Line

| 16:Label = Starting ammo
| 16:Value = 

| 17:Type = Line

| 17:Label = Max. ammo
| 17:Value = 

| 18:Type = Line

| 18:Label = Ammo received via pickup
| 18:Value = 

| 19:Type = Line

| 19:Label = Reloading
| 19:Value = 

| 20:Type = Line

| 20:Label = Fire mode
| 20:Value = 

| 21:Type = Line

| 21:Label = Effect
| 21:Value = 

| 22:Type = Line

| 22:Label = Max Capacity
| 22:Value = 

| 23:Type = Line

| 23:Label = Stealth
| 23:Value = 

| 24:Type = Line

| 24:Label = Countered by
| 24:Value = 

| 25:Type = Header

| 25:Value =


| 26:Type = Line

| 26:Label = Class
| 26:Value = Bounty Hunter

| 27:Type = Line

| 27:Label = Tier
| 27:Value = T8 Prestige

| 28:Type = Line

| 28:Label = Unlocked
| 28:Value = 

| 29:Type = Line

| 29:Label = Cost
| 29:Value = 

| 30:Type = Image

| 30:Value = MC5-Verr Power-hud

| 31:Type = Footer

| 31:Value = 


A seemingly out-of-this-world weapon, the Verr Power projects an electrical discharge through a laser-ionized air tunnel, with shocking end results!

One of the most unique and futuristic weapons in MC5, the Verr Power fires a constant beam of blue electrical energy which deals extremely high damage, and like other Prestige weapons, also has maximum armor penetration. It is among the best weapons in the game at close ranges, and is sometimes considered overpowered - potentially capable of killing opponents in the path of the beam in less than a second. While the weapon features no-damage drop-off at ranges - Its drawback, however, is the limited range of its beam (approximately 80-100m), making it well suited best for close-mid range combat, but unable to reach targets at longer distances. It also suffers from low mobility.

Unlike most other weapons, the Verr Power does not use "ammunition", but instead has to "cool down" after a period of time and recharge, like the modular weapons of the X1-Morph class.

  • Extremely high damage
  • Maximum armor penetration
  • No damage drop-off
  • Very fast time-to-kill
  • Does not have to reload
  • Nonexistent recoil
  • Fairly low mobility
  • Beam has a limited range


  • The Verr Power originally dealt much less damage, but was considered to be underpowered and was upgraded in an update by Gameloft; more recently has received minor adjustments in its damage rating due to concerns of it being overpowered
  • The weapon may be inspired on the Lightning Gun in N.O.V.A. 3, another FPS game series by Gameloft.

See also[]
